Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Meaning (-less)

English Time, let's play a loud....

Reading about meaning has been discussing many long time ago, even since Plato era, The Greek. And finally many modern theories about it are emergent. In that field there is hermeneutic expert, E.D. Hirch, with his greatest works Validity Interpretation (1967). In his book, Hirch has explained that meaning of the works is identical with what the writer intended to say, when the work written.
In the other side,  for Hirch not only just one interpretation for one works but also more than one interpretation which could be different one another, but in this case  he restricts that all of those meaning must be in the system of expression and typical possibility which used by writer interpretation. In short for Hirch, meaning is something that intended by the writer/ author (Author properties).
Because of differences of time and social condition, problem is appeared. In the way of making meaning process.
Different from Hirch, the development in German known as aesthetic reception/ reception theory. Different from his pioneer, this theory take part in the role of readers in literary studies. Base on reception theory, meanings are dynamic. There is movement and process of making something blossom out as long as time.
Wolfgang Iser in his book The Act of Reading (1978) states that literary works is a shape of codes and to make a meaning should be based on those codes and for Hirch those codes are the Author properties that could not be stolen and for Iser if there is appropriateness codes which is perfect in interpretation so for the result a literary works is doesn’t mean anything. The most effective literary works for him is a work which can force the reader to the consciousness of new critic. In this kind of theory explains that there is no ideal literary works with out reader.
All of those theories above are reflected in human being side. Because, there is no literary theories which is especially created for a works, all of literary theories is the result of deep thinking process.
Its need to us that to be dynamic person, it’s should be. We need to be aware with the condition around us. Why we have to be dynamic? Because we have specific time, condition and background of life that make us different from one another. In life we have so many lifestyles; each person has his own type of mobile phone, motor cycle and so many others. So we need to be adaptive with this kind of condition.
And literary works is like a life. Like puzzle that has to be arranged. And of course to arrange it we need special codes, and if we have known about those codes, literary works or even life means nothing, like Iser opinion. The interesting point of exploring literary works is the process to finding the truth. If we have already known the result it doesn’t mean anything.
 And the last but not least that what so extreme we try to be dynamic in the interpretation, the perfect meaning is depend on what the writer/ author intended. Although we have may interpretation, it should be in the system of expression and typical possibility which used by writer interpretation. What the writer wants to say by published his work.
Ones more that there is no right or wrong to interpret a work. We just try to find the evidence to support our opinion. And we can find the evidence in the process of thinking. Thinking about the truth.

NulIs di TiPi, MAU??

Ngomongin Tipi ni, jujur, dunia pertipian termasuk jadi salah satu impian aku sampe sekarang, ni aku ada sedikit informasi about the lovely stupid idiot box, cek TKP!!!
Penulis Skenario di Stasiun Tipi adalah sebuah pekerjaan yang unik di bidang pertipian. seorang penulis naskah, butuh sebuah ruang bebas dan lingkungan yang ndak terikat buat menuangkan gagasan and ide menjadi skenario-skenario, naskah-naskah terbaik yang siap diproduksi. Penulis Skenario biasanya menjalani hidup seperti seorang seniman (Ceessss...), ia sulit mengeluarkan ide terbaiknya jika dikurung dalam sebuah ruangan tertutup dan keteraturan ala kantor.
Tentu aja, para Penulis Skenario menikmati cara kerja seperti itu. Bahkan Pihak Stasiun Tipi memahami prinsip kerja seperti itu. Tetapi biasanya, cara kerja Penulis Skenario yang kerja di Stasiun Tipi agak beda dengan para penulis skenario yang biasa nulis di rumah-rumah produksi. Bedaannya antara lain :

1.      Penulis Skenario Tipi biasanya punya jadwal nulis naskah yang lebih teratur. Suasana kerja di stasiun tipi yang penuh keteraturan dan kedisiplinan bisa membentuk ritme kerja menulis itu sendiri, Penulis kudu bisa beradaptasi dengan kecepatan dan ketepatan kerja para karyawan stasiun tipi yang tiap saat diitung perkembangannya tiap detik, menit dan jam. Tipi adalah media penyiaran yang hidup matinya tergantung sama iklan yang mensponsori program-program yang ditayangin. And setiap departemen produksi stasiun tipi berjuang sekuat tenaga, memeras otak,  mengeluarkan kemampuan , segenap tenaga  bikin berbagai macam program yang menarik dan bagus, yang bisa dinikmati di tiap detik penayangannya.

2.      Penulis Skenario Rumah Produksi biasanya punya waktu yang cukup luang untuk menyelesaikan skenarionya, kecuali ia menulis skenario yang udah kejar tayang ato serial drama yang ditayangin tiap hari (istilahnya stripping program). Waktu luang terjadi, karena pihak rumah produksi yang baru mulai produksi pertama biasanya punya jangka waktu yang cukup panjang buat tahap persiapan sampe tahap pemasaran produk acara yang telah dibuatnya. Penulis Skenario Rumah Produksi juga tidak melulu bisa melihat hasil produksi dari skenario yang telah ditulisnya. Dikarenakan, ndak semua skenario yang dibuat oleh sang penulis skenario dapat diproduksi oleh rumah produksi. Dan ndak semua skenario yang sudah diproduksi dapat langsung ditayangin. Tergantung pihak station tipi mau menerima atau membeli sinetron atau program acara yang dibuat rumah produksi tersebut.

3.      Penulis Skenario Stasiun Tipi punya skedule kerja yang SANGAT dinamis. Bayangin aja betapa ketatnya persaingan antar tipi. Keputusan buat ngganti,  memperbaharui ato menghapus sebuah program bisa dilaksanakan dalam waktu 1x24jam. Seorang penulis skenario yang bekerja di stasiun tipi harus terbiasa membuat segala sesuatu dalam kondisi under pressure.

4.      Penulis Skenario Stasiun Tipi biasanya kudu ikut beberapa meeting yang disesuaiin sama jam kerja para karyawan tipi. Penjelasannya, biasanya ni, para karyawan stasiun tipi kerja 10-18 jam per hari. Itu artinya, dari pagi sampe larut malam, para karyawan (tim produksi) stasiun tipi menjalankan tugas mulianya (Ciee...) buat  memproduksi acara dari pagi sampe larut malam. Buat bikin sebuah meeting membahas naskah atau rancangan program baru, dibutuhin jam-jam luang pada waktu tim produksi lagi nggak melaksanakan tugas pembuatan acara. Kadang-kadang, waktu yang bisa digunakan untuk meeting merancang dan membahas naskah program baru, dilakukan di larut malam.

Dengan berbagai macem tantangan di atas, seorang penulis skenario di stasiun tipi butuh stamina yang cukup buat menjalankan pekerjaannya, biasain pola hidup sehat. Banyak minum air putih, konsumsi makanan 4 sehat 5 sempurna, variasikan makanan, jangan indomie terus. And ga usah ngrokok, kecuali yang udah ijin orang tua (Apaan sih..). Keuntungannya adalah, jumlah pekerjaan yang ditanganin penulis, nggak akan ada habisnye. Karena stasiun tipi harus bikin berbagai macam program untuk ditayangin 18 jam acara perhari, 126 jam acara per minggu, 540 jam acara perbulan!
Itu dulu, ntar sambung lagi!!!!!

Perlawanan Diam

Tahukah kau,
Saat kata tak berarti kata
Hanya hampa
Saat jiwa tak mampu menggerakkan jiwa
Hanya diam
Bukan tak mampu, hanya tak mau

Friday, April 20, 2012

IDeafinition of Literary Works

I am student of English Literary Program, and I wanna write somethin' in English, lets play...

Literature is anything that is written which expresses ideas, emotion, feelings and attitude towards life ( Rees: 1983 ). In another term literature can be define as creative writings and other works of the imagination that use language as the media. In the earlier ages there are traditional genre of literature include tragedy, epic, or lyric. And today it includes novel, short story and poetry and essay.
Here, the question is “what is the real definition of literary work?” and how about the impacts itself.
Literary work is talk about value. Maybe it can not be explained base on imagination, but because of the unique language that used. Literary works can be seen in many sides. There are subjective points of view and objective points of view.
For the first one, it can be define as personal writing. The writer can deliver his ideas freely. He can write about his dreams, his experiences in live and his own story. In this case he can write anything he wants. In the other side for the next definition, literary work is something objective. It is real, literary works is talk about facts and realities. It has specific instruments inside. These instruments are something which has to be there, such as: sounds, tones, syntaxes, rime, and narrative or descriptive techniques that used in the   literary work itself.
In this field we have to be very careful to define, even more discuss about literary works. If there is still something confusing, it’s better for us to do research. So, we can define precisely.
In short, to define literary work is not easy; there are so many aspects that have to be seen. The point here, is about how to make a good literary work. A good literary work sometimes  talks as something which is out of mind.

 That's it, Regards

Thursday, April 19, 2012


SPIdeRMAn jadi salah satu jagoan favourite aku, simak lyrik dari michael bublè – spider-man dibawah ini.
Jangan lupa awali dengan membaca basmalah.

spider-man, spider-man,
does whatever a spider can
spins a web, any size,
catches thieves just like flies
look out!
here comes the spider-man.

is he strong?
listen bud,
he's got radioactive blood.
can he swing from a thread?
take a look overhead
hey, there
there goes the spider-man.

in the chill of night
at the scene of a crime
like a streak of light
he arrives just in time.

spider-man, spider-man
friendly neighborhood spider-man
wealth and fame
he's ignored
action is his reward
look out!
here comes the spider-man.

watch out mr. hotshot!